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MAC-Vac Program

The MAC-Vac team is excited to start this program and bring our customers this new opportunity. Any size operation at any time during the year can utilize this program. Contact us for more information!


What is it?

A marketing tag program that will recognize calves that have been vaccinated and pre-conditioned. Calves must meet minimum vaccination requirements and will qualify for a MAC-Vac ear tag to be sold during the MAC-Vac portion of our sales. The program allows for greater flexibility for our producers allowing them to market value-added cattle at any of our weekly sales. 


How does it work?

Tagged calves with a completed health documentation form can be brought into any of our weekly sales. Calves will be penned separately from the regular sale calves. All MAC-Vac calves that are brought in by 12 noon on sale day will sell at the beginning of the feeder calf portion of the regular weekly sales. Cattle will be sold as singles or grouped by producer. This program allows buyers to purchase verified vaccinated calves and producers to receive increased marketing on their calves and sell at the beginning of the sale each week.



A flexible program to help you receive premiums for vaccinating and preconditioning your cattle. This program allows you to sell your cattle at any time, not just certain sales during the year. It also does not require a certain brand of products, just that you meet minimum vaccine requirements. This program also allows for all sizes of producers to be able to participate.



• Steers and Heifers only, bull calves do not qualify

• Minimum required vaccines given within 90 days of being sold and at least 21 days prior to being sold.

• At least one modified live virus vaccine for IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV

• At least one mannheimia haemolytica (pasteurella), can be given with MLV

• At least one clostridal/blackleg (two if label requires a booster)

• At least one parasite control/dewormer

• Calves must be polled or horns less than 2 inches.

• Weaning is not required. If applicable, weaned calves must be weaned 45+ days.

• MUST have MAC-Vac program tag in the ear

• The health form MUST accompany cattle on sale day


Recommended Protocols

You choose what works best for you! We recognize that different farms may need to use different products, and as such, believe it is important that you have flexibility in your vaccine decisions. Regardless of what vaccines you use, we ask that you always administer vaccines according to label directions and use BQA best handling practices. If you are not sure if a vaccine qualifies or if you are meeting all requirements, please contact a MAC-Vac representative. The following options are just recommended protocols, ask the MAC-Vac representatives or your veterinarian if you have any questions.



Option 1: Vista Once, Vision 7/8 or Cavalry 9, and dewormer

Option 2: Nasalgen 3-PMH, Vista BVD, Vision 7/8 or Cavalry 9, and dewormer



Option 1: Bovi-Shield Gold One Shot, Ultrabac or Ultrachoice, and dewormer

Option 2: Inforce 3, One Shot BVD, Ultrabac or Ultrachoice, and dewormer



Option 1: Pyramid 5 + Presponse, Caliber or Alpha 7, and dewormer


Questions? Contact any of the following people.

Marcus Harward at 704-322-0840

Catherine Edwards at 704-550-7920

Brooke Harward at 704-322-9770

MAC-Vac Special Sale Dates

MAC-Vac tagged cattle will be accepted for any weekly sale, but we encourage you to bring them on sale day during the second full week of the month as we highlight the program that week. Contact Marcus, Brooke, or Catherine with any questions regarding the sale schedule. 

Stanly County Livestock Market - Norwood, NC

2024 Special Sale Dates



Harward Brothers Livestock Market - Turnersburg, NC

2024 Special Sale Dates



Feeder Calf Producer Meeting


Stanly County Agri-Civic Center, Albemarle, NC


More information to come but this year’s event will feature speakers regarding the feeder calf outlook for the year, new antibiotic use policies, feeder calf marketing opportunities in 2025, and more.

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